Aore minerals of the Buranovskoe tungsten deposit (Southern Urals)
A.V. Kasatkin, A.M. Kuznetsov, N.A. Arzamastsev
UDK 549.3, 549.4, 549.7, 553.46 (470.55) | | Read PDF (RUS) |
Primary and supergene Pb, Bi, Te, Cu, Mo, Ag, Au and Hg minerals are found in samples from the dumps of the Buranovskoe tungsten deposit (Chelyabinsk oblast). The paper presents the most complete list of mineral species of the deposit based on available literature and our data. Fourteen tellurides and sulfotellurides are identifed. They occur as individual grains and intergrowths with each other or simple sulfdes and form numerous inclusions in fahlores in quartz-scheelite veins. Among the oxidation products of fahlores, galena and tetradymite, we found rare supergene minerals – telluroperite and perite, which form a limited solid solution series, as well as choloalite and a Ag and Hg sulfde-iodide corresponding to hanauerite by its chemical composition. The fndings of telluroperite and hitachiite are the frst at the territory of the Russian Federation and perite and choloalite are found for the frst time in the Urals.
Keywords: Buranovskoe tungsten deposit, Southern Urals, ore mineralization, mineral list, tellurides, sulfotellurides, hitachiite, telluroperite, perite, choloalite.
Received 20.06.2022, accepted 14.07.2022
A.V. Kasatkin, Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS, Moscow, Russia;
A.M. Kuznetsov, Chelyabinsk, Russia;
N.A. Arzamastsev, Magnitogorsk, Russia
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