Issue 1, 2024


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New minerals

Gajardoite-(NH4), (NH4)As3+4O6Cl2[(Ca0.50.5)(H2O)5], a new mineral
from the Khovu-Aksy deposit, Eastern Siberia, Russia
A.V. Kasatkin, V.V. Gurzhiy, N.V. Chukanov, A.A. Agakhanov, R. Škoda, D.I. Belakovskiy

Мinerals and mineral associations

Crystallization conditions of olivine in dunites the Guli massif, Siberian platform
V.A. Simonov, A.V. Kotlyarov, V.V. Sharygin, Yu.R. Vasiliev

Mineralogy of ore deposits

Types of gold placers of the Amyl-Sistighem placer region, West Sayan
Ч.М. Хертек, А.М. Сазонов

Аrcheаological mineralogy

Processing of gypsum-bearing materials in the bronze age Gonur Depe archeological site (Southeast Karakum Desert)
L.Ya. Kabanova, A.M. Yuminov, I.A. Blinov