Morphological diffculties in an anatomical pattern of the crystals
V.A. Popov
The study of minerals with modern electron microscopes requires the solution of anatomical problems of the crystals. To obtain consistent spectroscopic data from different instruments, it is necessary to point the microprobe directly to the same element of the crystal anatomy. This is diffcult to do unknown details of an anatomical pattern. The article provides the examples of complex arrangement of elements of crystal anatomy of different minerals to accumulate ontogenetic information for the formulation of the postulates.
Keywords: elements of crystal anatomy, growth zones, growth pyramids, vicinalis.
Confict of interest. The author declares no conficts of interest.
Author contribution. V.A. Popov – conceptualization, investigation, writing – original draft, visualization, writing – review & editing. The author approved the fnal version of the manuscript prior to publication.
For citation: Popov V.A. Morphological diffculties in an anatomical pattern of the crystals. Mineralogy, 10(2), 78–84. DOI: 10.35597/2313-545X-2024-10-2-5
Received 04.03.2024, revised 19.03.2024, accepted 01.06.2024
V.A. Popov, South Ural Federal Scientifc Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology, Ural Branch of RAS, Miass, Russia;
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