Study of impact carbon matter of the Kara astrobleme by small-angle scattering of synchrotron radiation
V.V. Ulyashev, A.A. Veligzhanin, T.G. Shumilova, B.A. Kulnitskiy, I.A. Perezhogin, V.D. Blank
UDК 549.211, 549.212, 620.187.3, 523.681.8
The study of the metamorphosed carbonaceous matter (MCM) of the Kara astrobleme (Pay-Khoy, Russia) by the methods of small-angle scattering of X-ray synchrotron radiation (SAXS) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) is described. The nanostructured features of the impactmetamorphosed and primary carbonaceous matter of sedimentary rocks are analyzed in the framework of the model of synchrotron radiation scattering by lognormal distribution of spherical particles. The MCM is characterized by 6 nm structural elements and nanoporous structure; no scattering elements with characteristic size within the analyzed small-angle X-ray scattering range were identifed for the primary carbonaceous matter.
Figures 4. Tables 1. References 17.
Key words: impact metamorphism, Kara astrobleme, Pay-Khoy, low ordered carbon matter, small-angle X-ray scattering, high resolution transmission electron microscopy.
V.V. Ulyashev, IG Komi SC UB RAS, ul. Pervomaiskaya 54, Syktyvkar, 167982 Russia;
A.A. Veligzhanin, National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute», pl. Akademika Kurchatova 1, Moscow, 123182 Russia
T.G. Shumilova, IG Komi SC UB RAS, ul. Pervomaiskaya 54, Syktyvkar, 167982 Russia;
B.A. Kulnitskiy, Technological Institute of Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials, ul. Tsentral’naya 7a, Moscow, Troitsk, 108840 Russia
I.A. Perezhogin, Technological Institute of Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials, ul. Tsentral’naya 7a, Moscow, Troitsk, 108840 Russia
V.D. Blank, Technological Institute of Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials, ul. Tsentral’naya 7a, Moscow, Troitsk, 108840 Russia
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