About current paradigm of mineralogy as a reflection of crystal anatomy laws
V.A. Popov
UDК 549.0
The entire solid-state world is formed by natural phenomenon of crystallization: atoms and atomic groups arranged to a long order. The «alive» and «rigid» worlds comprise one mineral (crystal) world. There are no fundamental diferences between organic and inorganic compounds (minerals). All chemical «compounds» are minerals. During crystallization, the space is always dissipated, leading to numerous physical phenomena: electrical, magnetic, optical, etc. The process of growth always results in the formation of heterogeneous crystals consistent with growth anatomy laws.
Figures 4. References 15.
Key words: mineralogy, paradigm, crystals, anatomy.
V.A. Popov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, 456317, Russia, Miass, Ilmen State Reserve; popov@mineralogy.ru
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