Morphological notes about amazonite
V.A. Popov
UDК 549.651:548
Morphological features of amazonite cause some onthogenic models of K-feldspars. The crystals of amazonite are zonal and sectorial. «Microcline lattice» of stresses in K-feldspar is formed after its growth during polymorphic transformation of monoclinic to triclinic structure. The «annealing» of tense structure of microcline is accompanied by formation of microporosity. Only exsolution and syntax «perthites» are identifed in K-feldspar. Eutectic crystallization of amazonite suggests its broad assemblage with many minerals, including galena.
Figures 19. References 13.
Key words: amazonite, anatomy, solid solution exsolution, syntaxy of minerals.
V.A. Popov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass, Russia;
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