A new deposit of perovskite in the Southern Urals
V.A. Popov, S.K. Nosov, A.M. Кuznetsov
UDК 549.641.1(470.55)
Perovskite from new deposit in the Verkhniy Ufaley region occurs in assemblage with andradite, magnetite, chlorite and hydroxyapatite. The habitus forms of perovskite are hexahedron and rhombic dodecahedron. Its crystals are zonal and sectorial. According to the microprobe data, the composition of perovskite varies from Ca0.99Fe0.01Ce0.003Ti0.99o3 to Ca0.91Fe0.05Na0.02La0.02Ce0.05Ta0.005Ti0.95O3. Mineralogical data indicate the possible presence of the carbonatite-skarn system in this area.
Figures 7. Tables 1. References 1.
Key words: perovskite, skarn, Verkhniy Ufaley, Southern Urals.
V.A. Popov, Institute of Mineralogy, UB RAS, Miass;
S.K. Nosov, Verkhniy Ufaley;
A.M. Кuznetsov, Chelyabinsk
- Ivanov O.K. (2000) [Perovskitе]. In: Mineralogiya Urala. Oksidyi i gidroksidyi. Part 1 [Mineralogy of the Urals. Oxides and hydroxides. Part 1]. Miass–Ekaterinburg, 202–207 (in Russian).