V.V. Maslenniikov, V.A. Popov
70 years ago A.E. Fersman made a presentation entitled “Tasks of Mineralogy in Our Country” at a meeting of mineralogists and geochemists at the Department of Geological and Geographical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Fersman, 1959, vol. V, pp. 550–565). Among organizational tasks, he noted the need to establish mineralogical research, printing mineralogical literature and journals. This task today is relevant from the point of view of developing a common methodology of science, forming the paradigm of mineralogy of the 21st century, improving the technology of prospecting and processing of mineral raw materials, genetic and environmental modeling.
V.V. Maslennikov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass
V.A. Popov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass,
- Соловьёв С. П. Всесоюзное минералогическое общество и его роль в развитии геологических наук. Л.:
Наука, 1967. 232 с. - Ферсман А. Е. Задачи минералогии в нашей стране // Избранные труды, т. V. М.: Изд-во АН СССР,
1959. С. 550–565. - Юшкин Н. П. Минералогия на пороге нового тысячелетия // Уральский минералогический сборник
№ 9. Миасс: ИМин УрО РАН, 1999. С. 3–21.