Results of geological-petrographic study of 1998–2018
of the Ilmenogorsky complex, South Urals
V.G. Korinevsky, E.V. Korinevsky
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The data on fndings of new minerals for the Ilmeny Mountains, the Urals and the world and new rocks for the Ilmeny Mountains are summarized. The main results of geological works at the territory of the Ilmeny State Reserve, which changed the ideas of its geological evolution, are shown.
Figures 24. Tables 3. References 68.
Key words: Urazbaevo olistostrome, minerals of mafc and ultramafc rocks, pyroxenites, gabbro, hornblendites, igneous scapolite rocks, microspherules of native metals and intermetallic compounds, Ilmeny Mountains, South Urals.
V.G. Korinevsky, South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Institute of Mineralogy, Miass, Chelyabinsk oblast, 456317 Russia;
E.V. Korinevsky, South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Institute of Mineralogy, Miass, Chelyabinsk oblast, 456317 Russia
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