Unknown facts of history of the natural science museum of the Iilmeny state reserve, South Urals
S.V. Cherednichenko
The history of establishing the museum of the Ilmeny State Reserve in the South Urals is de-scribed during 1924–1941. Information about the location of the museum, the number of samples and exhibi¬tions in various years is given. During 1926–1930, when the reserve was headed by the director D.I. Rudenko, the frst collections of the museum were stored in a building on Remeslennaya street in Miass. In 1931–1936, the museum was located in apartments of the central base of the reserve. The location of the museum in the South Urals Mountain Station of the Academy of Sciences from 1937 to 1941 was fruitful.
Keywords: history, museum, Ilmeny State Reserve.
Received 14.05.2021, accepted 02.09.2021
S.V. Cherednichenko, South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Ilmeny State Reserve, Miass, Chelyabinsk oblast, 456317 Russia; svcheredn@mail.ru
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