About Journal
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Mineralogy (Mineralogiya in Russian) is an international scientific peer-reviewed open-acсess journal, which publishes papers covering a broad spectrum of problems of mineralogy and adjacent sciences (geology of mineral deposits, petrology, geochemistry, crystallography).
Mineralogy was founded in 2015. Since March 26, 2019, Mineralogy has been included in the Journal List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, in which the main results of scientific studies must be published before the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations on the following topics:
Aim, scope and topic
The aim of Mineralogy is the development of fundamental and applied scientific knowledge of a broad mineralogical spectrum including global and regional mineralogy and minerageny, mineralogy of mineral deposits, technological mineralogy, ontogeny of minerals, ecological mineralogy and geochemistry, biomineralogy, and archaeological mineralogy. The results of mineralogical studies published in Mineralogy are closely related to the priority direction of the developement of science of the Russian Federation “Rational Nature Management”.
The tasks of Mineralogy are to familiarize a scientific audience with new mineralogical data. Starting from the 2nd issue of 2019 each article published in Mineralogy is assigned a digital identifier DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Mineralogy publishes high-quality peer-reviewed papers and brief reports in Russian and English on the following topics:
- General questions of mineralogy and crystallography
- Minerals and mineral assemblages
- History of mineralogy
- Mineralogy of mineral deposits, problems of genesis of ore deposits
- Ecological mineralogy and ecogeochemistry
- Mineralogy of technogenic objects
- Archaeological mineralogy
- Biomineralogy
- Reviews and discussions
Founder and publisher
Articles in Mineralogy are indexed by the following systems:
- Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI) – a database, accumulating information on papers by Russian scientists, published in native and foreign titles. The RSCI project is under development since 2005 by “Electronic Scientific Library” foundation (eLibrary.ru). Two-year RSCI impact factor of the Journal including citing from all sources is 0.404.
- Russian State Library is a national library of the Russian Federation and the largest public library in Russia and the second largest world library positioned in Moscow. Since January 2017, the Russian State Library started to receive electronic legal deposit copies of printed publications and dissertation theses.
- CyberLeninka is a scientific electron library based on an Open Science paradigm, the main tasks of which include popularization of science and scientific activity, public control of quality of scientific publications, development of interdisciplinary studie and peer-review process, increase in citing of Russian science and creation of knowledge infrastructure.
- Crossref is a nonprofit open digital infrastructure organization for the global scholarly research community. Uniquely and persistently recording and connecting knowledge through open metadata and identifiers for all research objects such as grants and articles. It is the largest digital object identifier (DOI) Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation.
- Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. The Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online journals of Europe and America’s largest scholarly publishers, plus scholarly books and other non-peer reviewed journals.