Preface by Editor-in-chief V.V. Мaslennikov UDK Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About authors References Abstract No annotation About authors References МINERALOGY № 2 2020

Journal 2, 2020 View or download the full issue pdf (Russian) Соntents Preface by Editor-in-chief V.V. Мaslennikov Abstract MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGES Contribution of the Ilmeny mineralogists to the discovery…

Tourmalin from late quartz veins of the Murtykty gold deposit, South Ural, Bashkortostan M.A. Rassomakhin, E.V. Belogub, K.A. Novoselov, P.V. KhvorovUDK 549 PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors References Abstract Tourmaline,…

Copper minerals from the oxidation zone of the Saryshagan Cu(Mo)-porphyry deposit (Western Balkhash region, Central Kazakhstan) S.V. Pribavkin, А.V. Korovko, G.Yu. Shardakova, А.V. АntonishinUDK 553.252.2(574) PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors…