Structure and mineral characteristics of the travertine object Vas`kin klyuch (Sukhona river, Vologda district) T.G. Shumilova, S.I. Isaenko, N.V. YashinUDК: 552.545, 532.531, 470.12 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract…

Ice-rafted sediments of the Yermak plateau and fram strait: new data on spore-pollen spectra, mineralogy and geochemistry A.V. Maslennikova, V.P. Shevchenko, E.V. Belogub, A.V. Maslov, I.A Blinov УДК 551.467, 549,…

Efflorescent sulfate minerals of the Karabash mining/Smelting area, Ural mountains, Russia J. Hechler, V. Udachin, P. Aminov, P.J. Beckett, G.A. SpiersUDК 553.252.2, 549.76 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract…

Fahlores of ore facies of the Yubileynoe massive sulfide deposit (South Urals) A.S. Tseluyko, N.R. Ayupova, S.P. Maslennikova, V.A. KotlyarovUDК 535.435 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract The Ag-,…