Geochemical features of pyrite types of the Kumtor gold deposit, Kyrgyzstan A.G. Shevkunov, V.V. Maslennikov, R.R. Large, S.P. Maslennikova, L.V. DanyushevskyUDК 553.463:553.411 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Successively…

Pseudomorphic hematite after ore clasts of gossanites of the Molodezhnoe Cu-Zn massive sulfide deposit (South Urals) N.R. Ayupova, V.V. MaslennikovUDK 553.435(470.5) Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract The structural…

U-bearing minerals of metapseudotachilite of the central alkaline band of Vishnevo-Ilmenogorsky polymetamorphic complex (South Urals) А.B. Nemov, E.V. Medvedeva, V.A. KotlyarovUDK 553.086 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract А…

Journal № 4, 2018 Сontents MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGES U-bearing minerals of metapseudotachilite of the central alkaline band of vishnevo-ilmenogorsky polymetamorphic complex (South Urals) А.B. Nemov, E.V. Medvedeva, V.A. Kotlyarov…