Mineral composition of sediments of tidal zone of Guyana, South America K.А. Novoselov, E.V. Belogub, E.E. Palenova, I.A. BlinovUDК 551.313 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract The mineral composition…

Zonation of form and composition of pyrite crystals of the Berezovsky gold deposit (Urals) V.I. Popova, D.A. Artemyev, V.A. KotlyarovUDК 549.3:553.2 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Morphology, zonation…

Polychrome cancrinite–vishnevite in alkali pegmatites of the Kurochkin Log occurrence, Vishnevye mountains of the Urals V.A. Popov, V.I. PopovaUDК 549.621.46 (470.55) Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Polychrome cancrinite-vishnevite…

Chemistry of minerals of felsic extrusive rocks of the east Baymak area and a problem of hybridism in their genesis A.M. Kosarev, S.A. Svetov, S.Yu. Chazhengina, G.T. ShafgullinaUDК 551.21+552.11 Read…