Magnetite deposits of the Tomtor (Onkuchakh area) and Kovdor plutons: a problem of ore precarbonatites A.V. Lapin, A.V. Tolstov, I.M. Kulikova, O.A. NabelkinUDК 553.061.12/17:553.311.2.+553.241.8 Read PDF Abstract About authors References…

Journal № 2, 2018 Contens MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSOCIATIONS Magnetite deposits of the Tomtor (Onkuchakh area) and Kovdor plutons: a problem of ore precarbonatites  A.V. Lapin, A.V. Tolstov, I.M. Kulikova,…

The 36th national and the 3rd international geosciences congress in Tehran (Iran) K.A. Novoselov Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract From February 25 to 28, 2018, the 36th National…

Characteristic of natural carbon nanominerals and their aggregates from the Dzharakuduk area (Uzbekistan) M.Yu. Povarennykh, E.N. Matvienko, A.V. Knotko, T.B. ShatalovaUDК 548.4:549.08:550.4 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Interstitial…