Gold-polymetallic mineralization of the Ridder-Sokolnoye deposit in the Rudny Altai (Eastern Kazakhstan) G.D. Ganzhenko, M.A. Yudovskaya, I.V. VikentyevUDК 553.43.44:549.3 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract New geochemical data on…

First finds of baddeleyite in alkaline complex of the Vishnevye mountains, South Urals V.A. Popov, I.A. Blinov UDК 549:514.91(470.55) Read PDF Аbstract About authors References Аbstract Baddeleyite ZrO2 is identifed…

Journal № 1, 2018 Сontents MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSOCIATIONS First finds of baddeleyite in alkaline complex of the Vishnevye mountains, South Urals V.A. Popov, I.A. Blinov Аbstract Gold-polymetallic mineralization of…

Zaykov Victor Vladimirovich Read PDF Аbstract About authors References Аbstract On December 22, 2017, a remarkable person passed away – the discoverer of deposits, a major scientist, Doctor of Geological…