Ontogenetic approach to the metasomatism theory  V.A. Popov UDК 548.2+553.22 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Metasomatism is a phenomenon of substitution of some minerals by other minerals under…

Petrological evidences of syndeformation segregation of chromites during dunite formation: example of Kraka ophiolites, South Urals D.E. Saveliev, E.V. Belogub , I.A. Blinov, D.A. Kozhevnikov, V.A.KotlyarovUDК 552.321.6+553.46 Read PDF Abstract…

Alumoenstatite from Karabash and Nyashevo massifs (South Urals) E.V. Medvedeva, N.M. Murdasova, A.B. Nemov, V.A. Kotlyarov UDК 549.642.11; 552.13 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Aluminoenstatite was found in the…

Intergrowths of platinum group minerals from the Miass placer zone (South Urals) and their primary sources  V.V. Zaykov, I.Yu. Melekestseva, V.A.Kotlyarov, E.V. Zaykova , Yu.D. Kraynev UDК 549.27:549.3 (470.5) Read PDF…