Ree and sr mineralization with perrierite-(Ce) in alkaline silicate-carbonate assemblage of the contact zone of the Vishnevogorsk block (South Urals) E.P. Makagonov, V.A. MuftakhovUDК 549: 552.331.2:553.493 ReadPDF Abstract About authors…

Nb-Fe-rich zirconolite group minerals in calcite carbonatites of the Belaya zima massif (East Sayan) V.V. Sharygin, A.G. Doroshkevich, E.A. Khromova UDК 549.5+553.493.541 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Two…

Journal № 4, 2016 Сontents NEW DATA ON MINERAL DEPOSITS Nb-Fe-rich zirconolite group minerals in calcite carbonatites of the Belaya zima massif (East Sayan) V.V. Sharygin, A.G. Doroshkevich, E.A. Khromova …

Trekking to the foot of Chomolungma (geological excursion in High Himalaya) K.A. Novoselov, E.V. BelogubUDК 551.1 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The article deals with geological structure of…