Comparative analysis of composition of gold foil from archaeological monuments of Altai, Urals, and don region: ICP-MS and XRF data V.V. Zaykov, K.A. Filippova, V.N. Udachin, E.V. Zaykova, M.A. Rassomakhin,…

Mineral composition of Fe-poor ferruginous and carbonaceous shales from the Alexandrinskoe and Saf'yanovskoe deposits (the Urals) N.S. Arkhireeva, V.A. KotlyarovUDК 553.08:552.56:552.57(234.853:234.852) Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Ferruginous and…

Mineral composition of processing wastes of titanomagnetite ores from the Kusa deposit (South Urals) V.I. Popova, V.A. Popov, V.A. Muftakhov, V.A. KotlyarovUDК 549.01 Read PDF  Abstract About autors References Abstract The…

Garnet as a carrier of the rare earth mineralization in th eIrtysh shear zone, East Kazakhstan P.V. Ermolov, G.K. Bekenova, E.V. Musina, V.L. LevinUDК 549.621.9:549.65(574.4) Read PDF Abstract About autors…