Baddeleyite mineralization of ultramafic rocks from the main Urals collisional suture (Ufaley metamorphic block, Central Urals) A.I. Belkovsky, A.R. NesterovUDК 549.02+553.494 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Baddeleyite from…

Rare earth minerals in alkaline and Subalkaline rocks of the Balbuk complex (South Urals) E.P. Makagonov, V.A. KotlyarovUDК 552.331.2:553.493:549.618.1 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Mineral composition of alkaline…

Magnesiohogbomite (Mg,Fe2+,Zn)8(Al,Ti,Fe3+)20O38(OH)2 from Ilmenogorsky-Vishnevogorsky complex V.G. Korinevsky, V.A. Kotlyarov, E.V. Korinevsky, A.B. Mironov, M.V. ShtenbergUDК 549.0 (470.55) Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Rare mineral magnesiohögbomite was found in…

Gold-tellurium-bismuth mineralization from the Zaderzhninskoe deposit (South Verkhoyansk region, East Yakutia) G.S. Anisimova, L.A. Kondrat'evaUDК 553.45(571.56) Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The detailed mineralogical studies of the Zaderzninskoe…