Alumosulfate-phosphates in the crystal-bearing veins of the Zhelanninskoe ore field (Subpolar Urals) S.A. Repina, V.I. PopovaUDК 549:553.08 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Lazulite, skortzalite, svanbergite, augelite, turquoise, and…

Quartz from hydrothermal veins of the Arkaim area, South Urals: data on vibrational spectroscopy, gas chromatography, and fluid inclusions M.V. Shtenberg, N.N. Ankusheva UDК 549.514.51: 553.08 Read PDF Abstract About…

Sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides from the destruction products of paleosmoker from the Yubileynoe VHMS deposit (Southern Urals) A.S. Tseluyko, V.V. Maslennikov, N.R. Ayupova, S.A. SadykovUDК 553.41 (470.5) Read PDF…

Carbonates from the Vishnevogorskoe Zr-Nb deposit (Southern Urals) V.I. Popova, V.A. Popov, S.N. Nikandrov, E.I. Churin, I.A. Blinov, P.V. KhvorovUDК 549.74 (470.55) Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Data…