Polyakov log coarse garnet occurrence in the South Urals V.A. Popov, M.A. Rassomakhin, S.V. KolisnichenkoUDK 549.0(470.5)https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2023-9-2-5Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors References Abstract Ontogenic modeling of the origin of coarse garnet…

Mineral forms of tungsten at the Porokhovskoe and Yugo-Konevskoe deposits (South Urals) D.A. Rogov, E.V. Belogub, K.A. Novoselov, M.A. Rassomakhin, R.R. Irmakov, A.E. ChugaevUDK 549.761.6(470.5)https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2023-9-2-4Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors…

Mineralogy of copper slags from the Sysert iron-working plant Yu.V. Erokhin, V.S. Ponomarev, A.V. Zakharov, L.V. LeonovaUDK 549.0+669.181.28(470.5)https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2023-9-2-3Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors References Abstract Abstract. The paper presents the results…

Ca oxalates in lichen genus Cladonia on the dumps of the Sugur copper deposit (South Urals) E.E. Artemenko, M.A. Rassomakhin, P.V. Khvorov, K.A. FilipрovaUDK 549.893.1, 582.29https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2023-9-2-2Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About…