The level of the theoretical component of geology M.P. PokrovskyUDК 549.0 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The terms «theory» and «theoretical science» are examined. The state of geology…

Effective coating of space by coordination spheres – the basic principle of structure and constitution of minerals E.P. MakagonovUDК 549.0 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The structures of…

Journal № 4, 2015 Сontents GENERAL QUESTIONS OF MINERALOGY Effective coating of space by coordination spheres – the basic principle of structure and constitution of minerals E.P. Makagonov Аbstract The…

LA-ICP-MS in Stellenbosch university (republic of South Africa): facility and application E.E. Palenova UDК 54.084 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Stellenbosch University ( is one of the leading…