Limits of mineralogy and related fundamental tasks: brief considerations M.P. PokrovskyUDК 549.0 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The limits of mineralogical knowledge are discussed. The subjects beyond the…

Some theoretical problems of mineralogy Yu.L. VoytekhovskyUDК 549.9 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The old fundamental problems of mineralogy (mineral species, system of mineralogy and phylogeny of mineralogy…

Principles of mineral world and paradigms of mineralogy V. A. PopovUDК 549 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The ideas on principles of the entire mineral world in the…

Preface V.V. Maslenniikov, V.A. Popov Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract 70 years ago A.E. Fersman made a presentation entitled “Tasks of Mineralogy in Our Country” at a meeting…