Issue 4, 2015 СontentsGENERAL QUESTIONS OF MINERALOGYEffective coating of space by coordination spheres – the basic principle of structure and constitution of mineralsE.P. MakagonovАbstractThe level of the theoretical component of…

Issue 3, 2015 СontentsA RARE AND LESSER KNOWN MINERALS AND ASSOCIATIONSDingdaohengite-(Cе) from Obukhovskiy Uval, South Urals: first find in RussiaA.V. Kasatkin, S.G. Epanchintsev, F. NestolaАbstractVolborthite and strengite – rare minerals…

Issue 2, 2015 СontentsМINERALS AND MINERAL ASSOCIATIONSTin and silver minerals from the Nikolaevskoe gold deposit (Yenisei ridge, Krasnoyarsk krai, Russia)N.P. Safina, A.A. Obukhov, I.A. BlinovАbstractSilver minerals from quartz veins of…

Issue 1, 2015 ContentsPrefaceАbstractGENERAL QUESTIONS OF MINERALOGYPrinciples of mineral world and paradigms of mineralogyV. A. PopovАbstractSome theoretical problems of mineralogyYu.L. VoytekhovskyАbstractLimits of mineralogy and related fundamental tasks: brief considerationsM.P. PokrovskyАbstractIdentification…