Journal 2, 2020 View or download the full issue pdf (Russian) Соntents Preface by Editor-in-chief V.V. Мaslennikov Abstract MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGES Contribution of the Ilmeny mineralogists to the discovery…

Journal № 1, 2020 View or download the full issue pdf (Russian) Contents  MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGES Zeolites in pegmatites and late veinlets of the Vishnevogorsky alkaline-carbonatite complex (South Urals)…

Journal № 4, 2019 Contents MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGES Morphological and compositional features of Chromian Spinel from mantle ultramafic rocks of the Nurali massif (South Urals) D.E. Saveliev Abstract Minerals…

Journal № 3, 2019 Content MINERALOGY AND CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Special spatial symmetry of mineral structures  Ya.О. Shablovsky Аbstract MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGES Apatite of alkaline rocks of the Vishnevogorsky complex, South…