Issue 4, 2019 ContentsMINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGESMorphological and compositional features of Chromian Spinel from mantle ultramafic rocks of the Nurali massif (South Urals)D.E. SavelievAbstractMinerals of the alunite supergroup in ores…

Issue 3, 2019 Content MINERALOGY AND CRYSTALLOGRAPHYSpecial spatial symmetry of mineral structures Ya.О. ShablovskyАbstractMINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGESApatite of alkaline rocks of the Vishnevogorsky complex, South UralsV.A. PopovАbstractAeschynite group minerals from Vishnevye mountains…

Issue 2, 2019 ContentMINERALOGY AND CRYSTALLOGRAPHYRare Fedorov groups in structural mineralogyYa.О. ShablovskyAbstractMINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGESRöentgenite-(Ce) and other ree fluorcarbonates from vein no. 35, Vishnevye mountains, Southern UralsA.V. Kasatkin, R. Škoda,…

Issue 1, 2019 Contents MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGESNew findings of rare minerals in pegmatites of Vishnevye mountains in the Southern UralsV.I. Popova, V.A. Popov, I.A. Blinov, V.A. Kotlyarov, A.V. Kasatkin, R.…