Issue 4, 2018 СontentsMINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGESU-bearing minerals of metapseudotachilite of the central alkaline band of vishnevo-ilmenogorsky polymetamorphic complex (South Urals)А.B. Nemov, E.V. Medvedeva, V.A. KotlyarovАbstractPseudomorphic hematite after ore clasts…

Issue 3, 2018 ContentsMINERALS AND MINERAL ASSEMBLAGESZirconolite of alkaline pegmatites of the Vishnevye mountains: the first findings in the South UralsV.A. Popov, V.I. Popova, I.A. Blinov, V.A. KotlyarovAbstractAmphiboles of alkaline…

Issue 2, 2018 Contens MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSOCIATIONS Magnetite deposits of the Tomtor (Onkuchakh area) and Kovdor plutons: a problem of ore precarbonatites  A.V. Lapin, A.V. Tolstov, I.M. Kulikova, O.A.…

Issue 1, 2018 Сontents MINERALS AND MINERAL ASSOCIATIONSFirst finds of baddeleyite in alkaline complex of the Vishnevye mountains, South UralsV.A. Popov, I.A. BlinovАbstractGold-polymetallic mineralization of the Ridder-Sokolnoye deposit in the…