Issue 4, 2017 ContentsMINERALS AND MINERAL ASSOCIATIONSMineral assemblages and composition of accessory magnetite of the Vishnevogorsky alkaline complex (South Urals)Mineral assemblages and composition of accessory magV.A. Popov, V.I. Popova, I.A.…

Issue 3, 2017 СодержаниеMINERALS AND MINERAL ASSOCIATIONSDingdaohengite-(Ce) from Vishnevye mountains (Southern Urals, Russia)A.V. Kasatkin, V.A. Popov, A.M. Kuznetsov, F. NestolaАbstractA new deposit of perovskite in the Southern UralsV.A. Popov, S.K.…

Issue 2, 2017 СоntentsMINERALS AND MINERAL ASSOCIATIONSThe first finding of native bismuth, waylandite and beyerite in alluvial gold placer deposits of Angara region, Yenisei ridgeS.V. Pribavkin, P.S. Kozlov, S.V. Mazur,…

Issue 1, 2017 Сontents MINERALS OF NATURAL OBJECTSYaratkulovo – a new h-chondrite in the Urals: Mineralogical dataV.V. Sharygin, S.V. KolisnichenkoАbstractKenyaite and magadiite in the Southern UralsM.V. Shtenberg, V.A. Popov, S.M. Lebedeva,…