Journal № 4, 2016 Сontents NEW DATA ON MINERAL DEPOSITS Nb-Fe-rich zirconolite group minerals in calcite carbonatites of the Belaya zima massif (East Sayan) V.V. Sharygin, A.G. Doroshkevich, E.A. Khromova …

Journal № 3, 2016 Сontents MINERALOGICAL RELATED Metamanganolith deposits of the Urals A.I. Brusnitsyn, E.V. Starikova, I.G. Zhukov  Аbstract Delafossite from the oxidation zones of massive sulfide deposits of the…

Journal № 2, 2016 Сontents NEW DATA ON MINERALS OF THE ENDOGENOUS OBJECTS Syntaxy of titanite, aegirine and eckermannite in alkali syenite pegmatites of the Vishnevye mountains (South Urals) V.A.…

Journal № 1, 2016 Сontents NEW DATA ON MINERALS FROM ENDOGENOUS OBJECTS Banalsite–stronalsite from sandyites of the ilmenogorsky Miaskite massif (South Ural) E.V. Medvedeva, A.B. Nemov, V.A. Kotlyarov Аbstract Micas…