Relative age of accessory minerals in pegmatites оf the Ilmeny mountains, South Urals V.A. PopovUDK 549.0:552.3 (470.55) PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors References Abstract Efective retrospective modeling of mineral formation…

Mineralogy of the Vorontsovskoe gold deposit (Northern Urals). Part 2: native elements, sulfides, arsenides, tellurides A.V. Kasatkin, S.Yu. Stepanov, M.V. Tsyganko, R. Škoda, F. Nestola,J. Plášil, E. Makovicky, A.A. Agakhanov,…

Severouralsk mineralogical museum «Shtufnoy Kabinet» E.V. BelogubУDК 549 PDF (RUS) Аbstarct About Autors References Аbstarct About Autors E.V. Belogub, South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS,…

Mineralogical-geochemical features of black shales from the frame of the Yayu igneous complex, Polar Urals N. S. Kovalchuk, T. G. Shumilova, S.A. SvetovУDК 552.08:553.08:550.42 PDF (RUS) Аbstract About Autors References…