Mineralogy of the Vorontsovskoe gold deposit (Northern Urals). Part 1: history of study, mineral assemblages, list of minerals A.V. Kasatkin, S.Yu. Stepanov, M.V. Tsyganko, R. Skoda, F. Nestola,J. Plasil, E.…

Experimental modeling of phase transformations in a weakly ordered carbon substance under impact treatment V.V. Ulyashev, T.G. Shumilova, B.A. Kulnitskiy, S.I. Isaenko, V.D. BlankUDK 549.211, 523.681.8https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2020-6-3-7Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About…

Geochemistry of trace elements in rock-forming minerals of gneisses and granites of the Murzinka granite area, Central Urals S.V. Pribavkin, N.S. Borodina, M.V. Chervyakovskaya UDK 550.42:552.321.1:552.42(470.5) https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2020-6-3-6 Read PDF (RUS)…

Formation conditions of the bronze age metallurgical slags of the South Urals and Kazakhstan M.N. Ankushev, D.A. Artemyev, I.A. BlinovUDK 549.621.15:902(470.5)https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2020-6-3-5Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors References Abstract Four main…