Mineralogy of precious metals in ores of the Yubileinoe porphyry gold deposit (Kazakhstan) O.Yu. PlotinskayaUDК 553.411https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2020-6-3-4Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors References Abstract Gold and silver mineralogy is studied in…

Anatomy of intergrowth of florencite and xenotime crystals with oscillatory zoning from veins of the Svodovy Au-REE occurrence, Subpolar Urals S.A. Repina, V.A. Muftakhov UDК 549.752/.755https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2020-6-3-3Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About…

Mg-rich thomsonite-Ca from chromitites of the Lekkhoyla occurrence, Voykar-Syn’ya massif, Polar Urals S.V. Berzin, D.A. Zamyatin, V.V. KhillerUDK 549.67https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2020-6-3-2Read PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors References Abstract The paper describes a previously…

Mineralogy and geochemistry of chloritholites from the Nepryakhino gold field, South Urals V.V. Murzin, D.A. VarlamovUDK 549.75 (470.55)https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2020-6-3-1Read PDF (RUS) Аbstract About autors References Аbstract The chlorite rocks (chloritolites) exposed…