Criticism to a paper by V.A. Popov «the unity of the mineral world» Yu.L. VoytekhovskyUDК 549 PDF (RUS) Abstract About authors References Abstract No annotation About authors Yu.L. Voytekhovsky, Geological…

The unity of the mineral world V.A. PopovUDК 549.0 PDF (RUS) Abstract About authors References Abstract The entire solid-state world is crystalline and therefore mineral. The phenomenon of crystallization produces…

Ural educational field works of students-mineralogistsof st. Petersburg university in Ilmeny state reserve, South Urals A.I. Brusnitsyn, A.A. AntonovUDК 55 (470.5) PDF (RUS) Abstract About authors References Abstract The organization…

Nearly half a century with Ilmeny state reserve, South Urals A.L. PerchukUDК 55 (407.5) PDF (RUS) Abstract About authors References Abstract The paper describes the feld training course for students…