Mineralogical features and physicochemical formation conditions of vein mineralization of the southern fank of the Saf'yanovka massive sulfde deposit (Central Urals) N.P. Safna, A.V. Korovko, I.A. Blinov, N.N. Ankusheva, M.A.…

Hematite-carbonate rocks of the Yubileynoe massive sulfde deposit (South Urals): evidence of replacement of sulfde clasts and hyaloclasts A.S. Tseluyko, N.R. Ayupova, D.A. Artemyev, M.A. Rassomakhin, V.A. KotlyarovUDK 535.435https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2024-10-4-3Reed PDF…

Microbial diversity in siliceous-ferruginous sedimentary rocks from the Urals massive sulfde deposits: a review N.R. AyupovaUDK 55:553.3:550.72https://doi.org/10.35597/2313-545X-2024-10-4-2Reed PDF (RUS) Abstract About autors References Abstract Paleozoic siliceous-ferruginous oxide sedimentary rocks of…

Typochemistry of magnetite from massive sulfide and iron deposits of the Urals according to LA-ISP-MS data V.V. Maslennikov, N.R. Ayupova, A.S. Tseluyko, N.P. Safna, D.A. Artemyev,U.A. Yatimov, S.I. Bryukhov, P.М.…