Allanite-(Nd) from Sapfirinovaya pit, Southern Urals: first find in Russia A.V. Kasatkin, R. Škoda, A.M. KuznetsovUDK 549.618.6(470.55) PDF (RUS) Abstract About authors References Abstract Allanite-(Nd) (Ca 1 20 Mn 0…

Concentric-zonal aggregate of ree minerals in feldspar pegmatite of the Vishnevye mountains, South Urals V.A. Popov UDK 549.6 (470.55) Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract A concentric-zonal texture of…

Structure and mineral characteristics of the travertine object Vas`kin klyuch (Sukhona river, Vologda district) T.G. Shumilova, S.I. Isaenko, N.V. YashinUDК: 552.545, 532.531, 470.12 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract…

Ice-rafted sediments of the Yermak plateau and fram strait: new data on spore-pollen spectra, mineralogy and geochemistry A.V. Maslennikova, V.P. Shevchenko, E.V. Belogub, A.V. Maslov, I.A Blinov УДК 551.467, 549,…