U-bearing minerals of metapseudotachilite of the central alkaline band of Vishnevo-Ilmenogorsky polymetamorphic complex (South Urals) А.B. Nemov, E.V. Medvedeva, V.A. KotlyarovUDK 553.086 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract А…

Chemical composition and trace element pattern of a pyrrhotite-pyrite nodule from the Dergamych Co-bearing massive sulfide deposit, South Urals I.Yu. Melekestseva, V.V. Maslennikov, N.P. Safna, D.A. ArtemyevUDК 535.435(470.5) Read PDF…

Barite-lead-zinc and iron-manganese deposits of the zhairem ore district: a geological field trip to central Kazakhstan A.I. Brusnitsyn, E.N. Perova, O.S. Vereshchagin, S.N. Britvin, E.F. Letnikova, S.I. Shkolnik, A.V. IvanovUDК…

Ree minerals of phyllites of the main central thrust of the Tamor window area, Eastern Nepal E.V. Belogub, V.V. Shilovskikh, K.A. NovoselovUDК 549(3/9), 552.4 Read PDF Abstract About authors References…