Dingdaohengite-(Ce) from Vishnevye mountains (Southern Urals, Russia) A.V. Kasatkin, V.A. Popov, A.M. Kuznetsov, F. NestolaUDК 549.62 (470.55) Read PDF Аbstract About authors References Аbstract Dingdaohengite-(Ce) was found in assemblage with…

Nishanbaeb Toursyn Prnasorovich (25.05.1955 – 10.05.2017) Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract After a serious illness at the 62nd year of his life Tursyn Prnazorovich diedNishanbaev, Candidate of Geological…

From the history of opening and development ore riches of the Cherry mountains in the Urals V.I. Popova, S.N. NikandrovUDК 549.0 (470.5) Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract The…

Formation conditions of agates I.N. KigaiUDК 553.878/872 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Agates are formed at various temperatures, which covers a wide range from those of basaltic and…