The first finding of native bismuth, waylandite and beyerite in alluvial gold placer deposits of Angara region, Yenisei ridge S.V. Pribavkin, P.S. Kozlov, S.V. Mazur, I.A. Gottman, D.A. Zamyatin, S.G.…

Experimental melting and crystallization of andesite of Bezymyanny Volcano, Kamchatka L.Y. Kabanova, V.M. Ryzhkov, V.N. AnflogovUDК 552.21 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Results of melting and crystallization of…

Comparison of mineral assemblages in various smokers: data on paragenetic analysis and physico-chemical modeling G.A. Tret'yakov, V.V. Maslennikov UDК 553.48:550.8.013 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract On the basis…

Distribution of trace elements in perovskite from skarns and calcite veins of the chernaya rechka and Nazyam Ridges (South Urals) S.Yu. Stepanov , L.N. Sharpenok , R.S. Palamarchuk, A.I. GlazovUDК:…