List of minerals of the Ilmeny mountains (data for 2017) S.N. Nikandrov, M.A. Rassomakhin, T.P. NishanbaevUDК 549:552 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract The general list of minerals of…

Phosphate-fluoride-carbonate mineralization in lamproite rocks of the Ryabinovy pluton (Central Aldan): mineralogical and geochemical features and origin I.F. Chayka, A.E. IzokhUDК 552.111 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Carbonate…

New data on pyrochlore from the Tatarka deposit (Yenisei Ridge, Russia) V.I. Popova, P.S. Kozlov, A.V. Lapin, V.A. Popov, V.A. Kotlyarov,L.A. Pautov, M.A. Rassomakhin, V.V. Shilovskikh, I.A. BlinovUDК 549:553 (571.51)…

Kenyaite and magadiite in the Southern Urals M.V. Shtenberg, V.A. Popov, S.M. Lebedeva, E.D. Zenovich, N.A. BozhkoUDК 549.62 (470.56) Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract White dense kenyaite (Na2Si22O41(OH)8…