Yaratkulovo – a new h-chondrite in the Urals: Mineralogical data V.V. Sharygin, S.V. KolisnichenkoUDК 552.63 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract The Yaratkulovo meteorite was found in 2016 in…

A problem of genesis of cr ores of the Kraka massifs V.I. Popova, V.A. PopovUDК 549.0:553.2 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract The published article by Dmitry Evgenievich Savelyev…

Ontogenetic approach to the metasomatism theory  V.A. Popov UDК 548.2+553.22 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Metasomatism is a phenomenon of substitution of some minerals by other minerals under…

Petrological evidences of syndeformation segregation of chromites during dunite formation: example of Kraka ophiolites, South Urals D.E. Saveliev, E.V. Belogub , I.A. Blinov, D.A. Kozhevnikov, V.A.KotlyarovUDК 552.321.6+553.46 Read PDF Abstract…