Alumoenstatite from Karabash and Nyashevo massifs (South Urals) E.V. Medvedeva, N.M. Murdasova, A.B. Nemov, V.A. Kotlyarov UDК 549.642.11; 552.13 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Aluminoenstatite was found in the…

Intergrowths of platinum group minerals from the Miass placer zone (South Urals) and their primary sources  V.V. Zaykov, I.Yu. Melekestseva, V.A.Kotlyarov, E.V. Zaykova , Yu.D. Kraynev UDК 549.27:549.3 (470.5) Read PDF…

Ree and sr mineralization with perrierite-(Ce) in alkaline silicate-carbonate assemblage of the contact zone of the Vishnevogorsk block (South Urals) E.P. Makagonov, V.A. MuftakhovUDК 549: 552.331.2:553.493 ReadPDF Abstract About authors…

Nb-Fe-rich zirconolite group minerals in calcite carbonatites of the Belaya zima massif (East Sayan) V.V. Sharygin, A.G. Doroshkevich, E.A. Khromova UDК 549.5+553.493.541 Read PDF Abstract About authors References Abstract Two…