Trekking to the foot of Chomolungma (geological excursion in High Himalaya) K.A. Novoselov, E.V. BelogubUDК 551.1 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The article deals with geological structure of…

Typomorphism of arsenopyrite from the Blagodatnoe and Olimpiada gold deposits (Yenisei ridge) A.M. Sazonov, S.D. Kirik, S.A.Silyanov, O.A. Bayukov, P.A. TishinUDК 549.324.62:543.429.3:553.41 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Arsenopyrite…

Distribution, morphology, sulfur isotopic composition and genesis gypsum deposits in Novoafonskaya cave (Abkhazia) O.Ya. Chervyiatsova, S.S. Potapov, S.A. Sadykov, L.V. Leonova, R.S. DbarUDК 54.027:546.22:549.76:551.44:550.42 Read PDF Abstract About autors References…

Kom'ya-Kuray gold placer of the Atlyan group, Miass river valley, and prospects for further exploration of gold placers of the South Urals V.I. Popova, N.K. Nikandrova, L.V. Carafanov, V.A. PopovUDК…