Micas from pegmatites of the Iilmeny state reserve E.V. Belogub, M.A. Rassomakhin, V.A. PopovUDК 549:548.33 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Most comprehensive review of micas from pegmatites of…

Banalsite–stronalsite from sandyites of the ilmenogorsky Miaskite massif (South Ural) E.V. Medvedeva, A.B. Nemov, V.A. KotlyarovUDК 549(1); 552.13 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The minerals of the banalsite…

Alumosulfate-phosphates in the crystal-bearing veins of the Zhelanninskoe ore field (Subpolar Urals) S.A. Repina, V.I. PopovaUDК 549:553.08 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Lazulite, skortzalite, svanbergite, augelite, turquoise, and…

Quartz from hydrothermal veins of the Arkaim area, South Urals: data on vibrational spectroscopy, gas chromatography, and fluid inclusions M.V. Shtenberg, N.N. Ankusheva UDК 549.514.51: 553.08 Read PDF Abstract About…