Mineralogy of the overburden rocks of the Koklan W-Mo deposit (South Urals) E.V. Belogub, K.A. Novoselov, E.E. Palenova, P.V. KhvorovUDК 549.0 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract he Koklan…

Monograph by V.A. Popov «Applied genetic mineralogy» N.I. Кrasnova Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract In 2011, in Yekaterinburg, the publishing house of the Ural Branch of the RAS…

Mineralogy of pyroxenites and apopyroxenite rodingites and chloritolites of the Kurta eclogite-schist complex (Ufaley metamorphic block, Central Urals)  А.I. BelkovskyUDК 549 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Original data…

Formation conditions of gold-quartz veins of the Mechnikovskoe and Altyn-Tash deposits, South Urals: fluid inclusion and isotopic study I.Yu. Melekestseva, A.M. Yuminov UDК 553.411.071 (407.5) Read PDF Abstract About autors…