Tin and silver minerals from the Nikolaevskoe gold deposit (Yenisei ridge, Krasnoyarsk krai, Russia) N.P. Safina, A.A. Obukhov, I.A. BlinovUDК 553.411.071​ Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract Stannite, freibergite…

History of the Mednorudyanskoe mine: the beginning N.D. ChudinovaUDК 552.43 Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract The history of discovery and initial mining of copper ores and malachite from…

The list of minerals of the Mednorudyanskoe malachite deposit: to the 200th anniversary of its mining V.I. Popova, A.F. Bushmakin, A.A. Chudnov, V.A. Popov, I.A. Blinov, D.A. KleymenovUDК 549:553.435 Read…

Mineralogy in solution of problems of origin of quartzites of the Kyshtym sequence, Ilmenogorsky complex V.G. Korinevsky, E.V. Korinevsky, V.A. KotlyarovUDК 549.0 (470.5) Read PDF Abstract About autors References Abstract…