Comparison of mineral assemblages in various smokers: data on paragenetic analysis and physico-chemical modeling
G.A. Tret’yakov, V.V. Maslennikov
UDК 553.48:550.8.013
On the basis of physico-chemical modeling of elemental behavior using minimization of Gibbs energy, the alteration of various rocks is estimated for the frst time depending on their ratios with heated seawater in the recycling zone. The mineral assemblages precipitated during conductive cooling of the fuid, which escapes from reaction zone, are considered and this may be interpreted as one of mechanisms of formation of composition and zonation of chimneys of modern and ancient smokers. The calculation data indicate that the temperature in the seawater/rock interaction zone, the composition of rocks, and the maturity of the hydrothermal system are key factors of mineralogical diversity of seafoor ore assemblages.
Figures 4. Table 1. References 28.
Key words: physico-chemical modeling, seawater-rock interaction, mineral assemblage, smoker chimneys, extraction of elements, massive sulfde deposits.
G.A. Tret’yakov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass;
V.V. Maslennikov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass
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