Comparison of platinum group minerals from eluvial-deluvial placer of the Svetly bor clynopiroxenite-dunite massif (Central Urals)
R.S. Palamarchuk, S.Yu. Stepanov, D.A. Khanin, A.V. Antonov, A.A. Zolotarev
UDК 549.27; 549.02
Morphology and composition of platinum group minerals (PGMs) from loose sediments of eluvial-deluvial placer of the Svetly Bor clinopyroxenite-dunite massif are studied. The contours of placer mineralization and area of occurrence of primary Pt-bearing chromitites are similar. Based on the features of PGM composition, the placer belongs to Ir–Pt mineralogical-geochemical type. It is shown that placer PGMs inherit primary morphological features and the composition of placer and primary PGM assemblages are identical.
Figures 7. Tables 2. References 34.
Key words: platinum, eluvial-deluvial placer, Svetly Bor massif, isoferroplatinum, iridium, laurite.
R.S. Palamarchuk, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St-Petersburg;
S.Yu. Stepanov, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St-Petersburg;
D.A. Khanin, Institute of Experimental Mineralogy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka;
A.V. Antonov, Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, St-Petersburg;
A.A. Zolotarev,Caint-Petersburg University, St-Petersburg
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