Garnet as a carrier of the rare earth mineralization in th eIrtysh shear zone, East Kazakhstan
P.V. Ermolov, G.K. Bekenova, E.V. Musina, V.L. Levin
UDК 549.621.9:549.65(574.4)
REE mineralization (monazite and xenotime) in the plicated schist and granite gneisses of the Irtysh shear zone is established for the frst time. The minerals occur as individual grains in rocks and microscopic inclusions in red and black garnets. Red garnet (almandine-spessartine), which contains up to 5% of pyrope molecule, is low-temperature magmatic for granite gneisses and low-temperature metamorphic for schists. Black garnet (pyralspite) contains 16–18 % of pyrope molecule and is most likely detrital in origin.
Figures 6. Tables 4. References 11.
Key words: almandine, spessartine, monazite, xenotime, granitic gneisses, schists, Irtysh shear zone, Kazakhstan
P.V. Ermolov, Institute of Exploration of Mineral Resources, Karaganda, Kazakhstan;
G.K. Bekenova, Satpaev Institute of Geological Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
E.V. Musina, Institute of Exploration of Mineral Resources, Karaganda, Kazakhstan;
V.L. Levin, Satpaev Institute of Geological Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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